Friday, June 13, 2008

Felt like sweet-lime

I read a lot about neuro-philosophy. That was a story of human brain. I am astonished by the way people are considering man. And this is posing a problem in life, and trying to tell us that man is nothing more than an evolved monkey. And there it all ends. But there still prevail those things called "values" in this world which are not totally physical in origin. They of course have a mental origin purely from the mental world. So, does that all mean that there is to be a different mental world altogether, just like there is a platonic world of geometry. Well, thats not the need here. The need here is to check the validity and reliability of this "so called" new rational thinking, and that whether it houses the potential sufficient enough to explain these things called values. It need not never happen that a person who believes in evolution shouldn't believe in love, or respect and regard for his parents as high, or to have some duties done for his society. It is not so, and hence its time to learn that there definitely is a self sustaining world of feelings and art which never can have a direct physical origin!

TWINS are to be studied for a better explaination of this genetic stuff,, its fun as n experiment..


you see, blogs are really interesting stuff, as as far as i can say,, they are the things which you can call as the best pack of utility on the internet. People wishing to know what is freshly cooking in the world, they can just simply surf in, scroll up and down and finally shoot their own say in the blink of an eye the world over. Well, that some other time,, coming back to the story,, I read another article, written in the 90's about genes and morality. It, to a great extent said about the fact that genes arose from nature and morals never arose from the bible! Now that is quite obvious a fact. The writer who claimed of himself as an atheist, quoted that morality what is, results from that thing called "evolutionary instinct". So morality definitely has a natural origin according to him, and I myself feel that its not anyway a mere philosophy he is talking bout. Accepted fact that it is. Even gorillas and chimps feel and care for family and children. Morality has its presence in this physical world, "but" only in the presence of life however.

In another blog i read, it was written that there is a genetic foundation of morality. The natural obligation, or the same i will call as an evolutionary instinct, that morality has a genetic origin, and every creature irrespective of the species, has a tendency to preserve its share in the gene bank of life, and as a result, its share of genes go hand in hand with its moral obligation and responsibility towards that creature,, whoever and whatever it may be. Thus, it provokes us to believe that to some extent, genes, guide our morality and values, at least to its grass root level. And all the levels above this prove to be the prime ones. Some basic evolutionary instincts may be sufficient enough to prove the scientific origins of morality, but the remaining values, and the rest of this vast ocean called life, as we see, cannot be called totally gene centered,, except at the grass root levels.. there is this whole beautiful world of art,, this empire of morals and values in which not genes are the heroes but, the noble men, strength and honor and the truth still is not all about these chemical pinches but about the dignity of honest men, who will forever silently blink like the beautiful star line in the black endless sky of time!!