Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There was a sage, resting under a tree
Great and he was, wise and free
Preaching there as the soft breeze blew
To scholars, life and its secret clue

After he finished, one of them uttered
Now truth's white pure, soft as butter
If this is the nature of life, so simple
Why do most men, hobble and tumble?

Bright with wisdom, the sage's eyes grew
A warning in life, to scholars he threw
Only brave hearts on paths of truth tread
Who love to suffer blows, than evade instead

Where the thunder of fools causes no tremble
Before merciless life who still stand humble
Smiling at the fate of people who play
Wrong games, and what fickle tongues say

They are the players of the unmoved game
Where they inscribe the rules of the same
Untainted they stand when truth is on scaffold
In eternity, to hear their triumphal echoes bold

Truth they say isn't for clamor glamor petty
It's dedicated for the lovers of eternity!!

Sushant Kulkarni

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