Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Definitions of Culture

" . . . the sum total of the knowledge, attitudes, and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by members of a society."

" . . . the learned patterns of thought and behavior characteristic of a population or society."

" . . . The attitudes, objectives, and technical skills of a society."

"Culture" does NOT mean "high culture" or a "cultured person". It is not just the arts, but "culture" includes all learned behavior.

Culture can be divided into the following components:

Material Culture
Social Institutions
Attitudes Toward the Unknown
the Arts

Components of Culture
Material culture includes:


Components of Culture
Social institutions include:

the economy
tribe, clan

Components of Culture
Attitudes toward the unknown:


Components of Culture
the Arts include:


Components of Culture

language is a very important component of culture
culture is LEARNED behavior
culture is transmitted through language

Cultural Landscape

the forms placed on the physical landscape by human activities
how people arrange the physical space around them

buildings, roads, fields, cities, etc.
any change to the physical landscape

Sequent Occupance

the notion that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape

Bolivia: The present cultural landscape of Bolivia includes parts from the early Incan Indians, and from the Spanish colonists who conquered them, and finally from the period after independence. Parts of all these successive cultures make up the cultural landscape of Bolivia today.


cultural modifications resulting from intercultural borrowing
usually this implies changes in an indigenous culture caused by the imposition of a technologically more advanced culture (e.g. colonists)
a one-way transfer of cultural traits

The Amerindians of North America (US and Canada) were acculturated into western, European, society. The culture of the colonists replaced that of the Native Americans living here before their arrival.


the two-way exchange of cultural traits between societies in close contact

Mexico: The current cultural landscape of Mexico is the result of a mixing of the earlier Amerindian cultures and the Spanish culture of the European colonists. The result is an entirely new culture.

Culture vs. Ethnicity
they are not the same
culture is learned
ethnicity is biological
the same ethnic group can be divided biologically
In Rwanda: Hutus and Tutsis are of the same ethnic group but they are different cultural groups
In Bosnia, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims are all from the same Slavic ethnic group, but they are different cultural groups. For example, they speak different languages and practice different religions.
"Ethnic conflicts" are usually "cultural conflicts". Often they are not between different races, but rather between different cultural groups.

..... thanks for reading thi post. i hope you could get a bird's overview of what huge legacy of time this small word called "culture", tags behind it......... :-)


Unknown said...

Very clear and precise. I congratulate to you to publish these definitions.


Sushant Kulkarni said...

thank you

The Sturgeon Moon said...

Good post as usual.... You have tried and defined many interesting terms that total up to the 'culture'.But today this culture has given rise to many scenes, many a times we see moral policing by individuals in the name of protecting the culture.... Many politicians and hardcore fans of a region's culture have gone so far that it is difficult to call our country multi-cultural and tolerant at the same time.But But But my question is, Is Culture such a hollow thing that it would be corrupted by a kiss, or another language or some one's life-style...??

Sushant Kulkarni said...

well, first. thank you som @->->-

reply goes like this... problems are everywherre,, as you see, even a simple post for culture has led to a discussion now ;) ,, but let me make it clear that the post is only intended to give a clear picture to the person new to a culture to easily assimilate it an dissolve himself with new people easily without vague complaints.. it is a cooperation to the ppl who r interested to be the citizens of this world and not a medicine to the diseased people full of regionalism..... and culture is never hollow in two ways
1. it is great irrespective of its followers
2. it is a great help for people who dream big to get a taste of it

and if a thing as subtle as culture seems to be hollow to us, then everyother thing is equally hollow including us .... have a great day!!

The Sturgeon Moon said...

Yes, Sushant you are right, Problems are everywhere, and individuals differ in their attitudes towards it, some fight,some accept and keep mum and yet some selectively fight saying there is always something positive in everthing....
But yes, i have a feeling that i've raised this issue at a wrong place & at a wrong time...probably reading your post on culture excited me and in the spur of the moment the culture resonated with the issues in my mind & ...
I will stop hijacking the discussion to a different dimension because it is wrong to the spirit in which the post was written....
I will be back with more relevant comments next time...
btw i Congratulate you, on your fine attempt towards understanding 'the culture'.